Coming soon! "The Adventures of Captain Dumbass - He lives next door with his mother".
Hey Friends,
Be on the look out for the soon to be released comic sketches: "The Adventures of Captain Dumbass" . Yes, we guarantee ROFL as they will be based on real life stories!
Featuring hand drawn caricatures of my donkey next door and his mother, more QCAT whinging, BCC, QBCC, QPS, QFES, QLD State Ombudsman, QLD Worksafe complaints than you can poke a stick at, more videos and emails sent by Knobby and cringeworthy content that will make your eyeballs want to roll out of their sockets!
See you soon and let's have some fun with El Whingo next door!
About this blog...
Come on let's face it, we've all got one, or had one - a beautiful neighbour who minds their own business, is always welcoming and lets you borrow a cup of brown sugar when you've run out. They keep their pets under control and their parties are cordial and welcoming. A dear neighbour that you are so close to, you call them family. Yes, those are your Dear Neighbours.
Unfortunately, there are two sides to the coin, and you may have a different type of neighbour living next door - nosey, spiteful, intolerant or racist, maybe a little naive or ignorant? You wouldn't wish these neighbours on your worst enemies, but they do exist.
The main purpose of is to help you progress the relationship with your neighbour while keeping your anonymity. You will find stories, hand-drawn sketches, videos and more fun stuff on stupid neighbours at their best. You can visit the online store and buy a gift for your "Dear Neighbour". We have comic sketches, books, T-shirts, nosey-boards and postcards (to name a few) that you can send your dear neighbour or place in their letterbox yourself.
Stupid neighbour sketches
Follow this link for more hilarious sketches of dear neighbours.